1) A portrait is a painting about.... a) A train b) A car c) A group of dogs d) A group of people e) A person 2) Artists make portraits of.... a) People b) Aeroplanes c) Groups of people d) Sweets e) Dinosaurs 3) You can use..... for a self portrait. a) paints b) pencils c) crayons d) Watercolours e) blood 4) You can use a..........., a........, and a..... for a self portrait. a) camera b) mobile phone c) shoe d) tablet 5) You can use ........ and........ to make a self portrait. a) pencils b) crayons c) grapes d) carrots 6) A portrait is a picture of a group of ..... a) People b) Penguins c) Pigs 7) Some artists are ........ .........for making portraits  a) paid money b) paid buttons c) paid chocolate 8) Sometimes portraits are made to remember people who ..... a) fell asleep b) died 9) Self means myeslf or ... a) me b) my friends c) my dog 10) Mona Lisa was painted by... a) Henri Matisse b) Leonardo Da Vinci c) Daniel d) Ignas e) Lauren 11) Adele Blau Boucher was painted by... a) Gustav Klimt b) Pauline c) Francoise d) Laura 12) Portrait of Madame Matisse (Green stripe) was painted by... a) Henri Matisse b) Simon c) Deen d) Joshy 13) A self portrait is when the...........draws their ... a) artist b) builder c) cleaner d) cat e) penguin

Self Portrait quiz

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