"We should be doing more to make cars greener and more fuel-efficient." "Our cities are built for cars, do you want to affect the economy?" - Straw Man Fallacy, All my friends are doing a low-carb diet. That must be the only way to lose weight. - Bandwagon Fallacy, Princess Kate wears Alexander McQueen. Are you trying to say you have better fashion sense than a royal princess? - Appeal to (False) Authority Fallacy, That face cream can't be good. Kim Kardashian is selling it. - Ad Hominem Fallacy, I know we don't love each other. But, if we don't get married it will crush my mother. You know she has a weak heart. Do you really want to do that to her? - Appeal to Pity / Sentimental Appeal Fallacy, If we don't take immediate action to combat climate change, our planet will become uninhabitable within a few decades. We're on the brink of an environmental catastrophe, and it's up to us to prevent it. - Scare Tactic Fallacy, My father smoked two packs of cigarettes a day from age 14 and lived until the age of 95. So smoking really can’t be that bad for people. - Hasty Generalisation Fallacy, If we begin to restrict freedom of speech, this will encourage the government to infringe upon other fundamental rights, and eventually this will result in a totalitarian state where citizens have little to no control of their lives and decisions they make. - Slippery Slope Fallacy, A campaign in favor of animal testing shows two images, one of a child and one of a rat, and poses the dilemma “Who would you rather see live?” - Either / Or Fallacy (or False Dilemma) , Studies have found a correlation between low levels of vitamin D and multiple sclerosis (MS). Therefore, we can state that low vitamin D causes MS - Faulty Causality Fallacy,

Grade 12. Logical fallacies

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