Scipio Africanus  - was a Roman general. He conquered Carthago Nova and Ilipa at the beginning of the 3rd c. BC.(1st phase), Hanninal - was a Carthaginian general. He conquered Saguntum ( a Rome´ally). He fought the Romans in the 2nd punic war., Viriathus - was a Lusitanian warrior. He resisted the Romans for a long time until he was poisoned., Trajan - was born in Itálica. He was the Emperor of Rome from AD 98-117., Hadrian - was born in Itálica. He was the Emperor of Rome from AD 117- 138, Seneca - was born in the Roman city of Corduba. He was an important philosopher., Augustus - was the Emperor. He founded the Roman Empire in 27 BC after the Republic., Romulus Augustus - was the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire., Constantine - was a Roman Emperor. He converted to Christianity in AD 312 and with him all of his Empire.,

Antient History on the Iberian Peninsula_ Important people


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