我wŏ 有yŏu 大dà 眼睛yănjing。   - I have big eyes., 妹妹mèimei 有yǒu 长cháng 头发tóufā。   - Younger sister has long hair., 哥哥gēge 很hěn 帅shuài。 - Older brother is very handsome., 爷爷yéye 有yǒu 长腿chángtuǐ。 - Grandpa has long legs., 爸爸bàba 最zuì 高gāo。 - Dad is the tallest., 妈妈māma 非常fēicháng 瘦shòu。 - Mom is very thin., 姐姐jiějie 有yǒu 长cháng 头发tóufā 吗ma? - Does older sister has long hair?, 姐姐jiějie 有yǒu 短duǎn 头发tóufa。 - Older sister has short hair., 弟弟dìdi 很hěn 矮ǎi 吗ma?   - Is younger brother short (height)?, 弟弟dìdi 不bù 矮ǎi。 - Younger brother is not short (height).,

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