The Mughal Leaders (Nawabs): They had concerns about their weakening power., They were worried about caste pollution (mixing of lower castes with high-caste)., The leaders were not united: they wanted to bring back old Muslim and Hindu regimes that clashed., A small new wealthy Westernized class actively supported the British., The British : They were insensitive to cultural and religious customs., They allowed high-caste and lower-caste to be sepoys., The Company was neutral while Christian missionaries preached the bible zealously (with religious passion)., They banned suttee (sati), changed the laws regarding re-marriage of widows and campaigned against infanticide, Ordinary Indians: They were disturbed by Westernisation of their everyday religious practices, customs and traditions., High-caste sepoys felt their status was undermined by having low-caste sepoys in the army., There was growing unrest among the locals who made up a large part of the company army – they disliked British indifference and felt they deserved better treatment., This is a short-term cause: When soldiers of the Bengal army mutinied in Meerut on May 10, 1857, tension had been growing for some time., The new Enfield rifle caused controversy, The greased cartridges for the Enfield rifles was a mistake., The new Enfield rifle had a cartridge which was thought to be greased with pork and beef fat.,

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