1) What is a phrase defined as? a) A unit of predication b) A unit of polynomination c) A unit of intonation d) A unit of coordination 2) How does a phrase differ from a compound word? a) A compound word has more constituents than a phrase b) A compound word cannot undergo grammatical changes c) A compound word corresponds to one denotate d) A compound word lacks syntactic connections 3) What is the main characteristic of a kernel phrase? a) It lacks a leading element b) It consists of multiple dominant elements c) It is subordinated to other elements d) It has one dominating element 4) What are the types of kernel phrases based on direction of dependencies? a) Regressive and progressive b) Nounal and verbal c) Adjectival and adverbial d) Substantive and prepositional 5) Which type of syntactic connection involves units joined in a cluster functioning as a single unit? a) Subordination b) Accumulation c) Coordination d) Integration 6) How are coordinate phrases connected? a) By intonation b) By accumulation c) By subordination d) By coordinate conjunctions 7) What type of connection is present when no other syntactic connection can be identified? a) Subordination b) Coordination c) Accumulation d) Adjoinment 8) Which type of phrases have fixed positions for their elements and cannot exchange their positions? a) Accumulative connection phrases b) Syndetic coordination phrases c) Asyndetic coordination phrases d) Adjoinment phrases 9) What are the two main types of syntactic relations of phrase constituents? a) Agreement and coordination b) Government and adjoinment c) Agreement and government d) Enclosure and subordination 10) In which type of agreement does the subordinate word assume a form similar to that of the word to which it is subordinate? a) Number agreement b) Gender agreement c) Case agreement d) Tense agreement 11) What is adjoinment described as in the text? a) Presence of agreement and government b) Absence of agreement and government c) Strict syntactic hierarchy d) Exclusive use of adjectives 12) Which type of connection involves putting an element between two parts of another constituent of a phrase? a) Coordination b) Enclosure c) Subordination d) Accumulation 13) In adjoinment, which elements build syntactic groups without changing their forms? a) Verbs and adverbs b) Nouns and adjectives c) Adverbs and head words d) Prepositions and conjunctions 14) What is the most widely used type of enclosure described in the text? a) Use of conjunctions between two nouns b) Placement of verbs before adjectives c) Enclosing adverbs within prepositional phrases d) Putting an element between the article and the head-noun

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