: We (to work) hard this time tomorrow., He (to pass) his examinations before you (to return) from Moscow., They (to learn) Spanish for ten months by the 1st of July., The expedition (to leave) for the North by April., She (to take) a music lesson at this time tomorrow., By 6 o'clock she (to take) her lesson., She (to take) two lessons this week., At 5.30 she (to take) her lessons for forty minutes., They (to build) a new theatre in our street., They (to build) it when you (to be) in the country in summer., My aunt (to get) married next month, I'm so happy!, The bags look so heavy! I (to help) you carry them., We (to travel) to Madrid next Sunday at 5pm., Oh no, look at those clouds! It (definitely/to rain)!, I'm sure that people (to find) the cure for cancer in the nearest future., The train to London (to depart) at 15.15, we can't miss it!, (You/see) Anne tonight? Can you ask her to give me a call?, Watch out!! You (to knock) over that vase over there if you take another step!, (You/finish) your handmade present by the time you're invited to the party?, We promise we (to bring) you the best flying experience ever.,

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