Were energetic trader and built the cities of KIEV and NOVGOROD - East Slavs, Gave their name to the first known East Slavic State: The Kievan Rus - The viking Rus tribes, After the collapse of Kiev , this city became important - Moscow, An emperor or a Caesar - Tsar, A tsar who invited European architects to design the Kremlin: - Ivan III, A grand complex of palaces, state offices and churches in Moscow. - the Kremlin, He modernized and westernized Russia by importing western ideas and technologies - Peter the Great, Ruled as “enlightened despot” or wise ruler,Transformed the new capital St. Petersburg and Expanded Russia through wars.  - Catherine II , Charter granted civil rights and limited democracy for serfs - October Manifesto, Russian political group that called for workers control. - The Bolsheviks, The working class should control both the government and the economy as a group. - Communism, The soviets means: - Worker’s council, Issued the five years-plan: pushing for the development of heavy industry and rapid collectivization of agriculture. - Stalin, A shift of control from an individual or company to a group called a collective - Collectivization, The Cold war happened because: - The US and the SUN competed for economic, political and cultural power around the world, Real reform in The SUN began with - MiKhail Gorbachev, Glasnost policy means: - Openness, Perestroika policy means: - Restructuring, Was the first president of a new Russia - Boris Yeltsin, He reduced the power of Oligarchy and increased the power of the government. - Vladimir Putin,

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