400 BC Griechenland - Democritus - uncuttable - Atomas, 700 AD - Science of extraction, finding pure elements by breaking down pure substances., Elements - Foundational - items which can not be broken down any further , 1700's - Elements are discovered the periodic table grows, Compounds - mixing substances to form new ones, with new properties, 1800's - John Dalton finds patterns when two elements react to form multiple types of compounds, size of Atoms from the same element - are roughly the same size, size of Atoms from different Elements - are different sizes, Einstein 1905 - proposes an equation and experiment to confirm the existence of atoms, 1908 Jean Perrin - does Einsteins experiement and confirms that atoms do exist., 1970's - Enginneers ceate a scanning tunneling microscope which gives the first pictures of atoms., 2017 - Scientists use a schrunk beam of light with the tunneling microscope to truly see Atoms, From the first idea to visual proof of Atoms - the process takes more thank 2000 years.,

die Geschichte von Atomen

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