advisor (adviser) - - Advisor (Adviser): A person who provides guidance, support, and recommendations to others., allowance - - Allowance: A sum of money given regularly to someone, typically a child, as a form of financial support., apprentice - - Apprentice: A person who is learning a trade or skill from a skilled worker., apprenticeship - - Apprenticeship: A training program where a person learns a trade or skill through hands-on experience under the guidance of a skilled worker., development - - Development: The process of growth, progress, or improvement., employee and employer, graduate - - Graduate: A person who has successfully completed a course of study or training., graduation - - Graduation: The ceremony or event marking the successful completion of a course of study or training., industry - - Industry: A particular sector or area of economic activity., intern - - Intern: A student or recent graduate who works for a company or organization to gain practical experience in a specific field., internship - - Internship: A temporary position or program that provides practical work experience for students or recent graduates., placement - - Placement: The act of finding a suitable job or position for someone., technician - - Technician: A person skilled in a specific technical field or trade., trainee and trainer, training - - Training: The process of teaching or learning a particular skill or job-related knowledge., vocational school - - Vocational School: A school that provides training in specific trades or occupations., vocational training - - Vocational Training: Training that focuses on developing skills and knowledge related to a specific trade or occupation., trade - - Trade: a job requiring manual skills and special training.,

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