1) Both of name of the product ,cost of a product are main facts that should be stored in the spreadsheet of data products. a) True b) False 2) There are several ways to collect the data into the product spreadsheet. a) True b) False 3) Organizing data in a table makes it hard to spot mistakes and fix them. a) True b) False 4) Stored the product data in a word-processed document is very useful for running a business. a) True b) False 5) In a data table, Each cell of the data table holds a single item of data. a) True b) False 6) In a data table, The rows of a table are fields. a) True b) False 7) Every record in a data table has the same columns. a) True b) False 8) The key field is used to identify the record. a) True b) False 9) To insert a new column: click on the number at the left of the row, then Select 'Insert Sheet Columns' from the menu of Insert button . a) True b) False 10) The key field stores a piece of data that is unique - the data is different for each record. a) True b) False 11) All the data in one column should be the same data type. a) True b) False 12) In a data table, Text data can be used in calculations a) True b) False 13) In a data table, a 'Product cod' is a number value. a) True b) False 14) Number values can include any characters such as commas and currency symbols. a) True b) False 15) In a spreadsheet, You can only use AutoSum if the column holds number values. a) True b) False 16) Validation is a way of checking data . a) True b) False 17) Data that does not obey validation rules is called valid data a) True b) False 18) In spreadsheets you can add deliberate mistakes in your data to check that your validation rules work. a) True b) False 19) Entering a negative number in opening stock “stock in” and “stock out” coloums is a valid data a) True b) False 20) A validation error message should be useful , it should stop the user fromentering a bad data. It should help the user to enter valid data. a) True b) False 21) The input message in spreadsheets tells the user useful information about what can they input. a) True b) False 22) The key field is used to identify the records. a) True b) False 23) Currency means a money value. a) True b) False 24) Text data can be used in calculations a) True b) False 25) Formatting data as a table in spreadsheet will make it easier for you to work with data. a) True b) False 26) A program error message helps you to find and fix errors when you are programming. a) True b) False 27) ….means facts and figures. a) a) Data b) b) Information c) c)web page 28) ….is data that has been organised. a) a) Data b) b) Information c) c)web page 29) The task of turning data into information is sometimes called …. a) a)Internet research b) b) data processing c) c)collect data 30) A …. is a grid of rows and columns. a) a) data table b) b) document c) c) web page 31) A ….stores all the information about one item. a) a)cell b) b) field c) c) record 32) Each field has a…. that tells you what information is stored in that field a) a) name b) b) primary key c) c)number 33) It means that you cannot split up the data into smaller parts. a) a) key field b) b) Atomic facts c) c) data processing 34) …can include any character that you can type with the keyboard. a) a)Numerical data b) b) Text data c) c)Float data 35) …means the style used to display data. a) a) Data table b) b) Data type c) c) Data format 36) To format a column as:... select the whole column, and then click on the currency icon. a) a) currency data Style b) b) Comma Style c) c) Percent Style 37) In spreadsheet software invalid data is circled with ……. colour.  a) a) Red b) b) Green c) c) Blue 38) In spreadsheet software an error message tells you a) a) where the mistake is b) b) what the mistake is c) c) Both a and b 39) Which of the following facts is considered as atomic a) a) Market Foods Ltd b) b) Best-buy Strawberry 300g c) c)Banana 200g 40) What is the name for rules to check data a) a) validation b) b) verification c) c) violation 41) Which of the following sentences is True a) a)All data in one record should be the same data type b) b) All data in one field should be the same data type c) c) All data in one field or record should be the same data type 42) Number values are……… a) a)Right-aligned b) b)Left-aligned c) c)Centre-aligned 43) If we set the validation rule as whole number and greater than 0 so ,which of the following is invalid data a) a) -20 b) b) 20.9 c) c)both a and b 44) Text data is ……… a) a)Right-aligned b) b)Left-aligned c) c)Centre-aligned 45) Which of the following is a number format in spreadsheets a) a)Comma style b) b)percent style c) c)both a and b 46) A way of organizing data to make it more useful. Data is stored in a grid of columns and rows . The columns are fields and the rows are records. a) a) Data table b) b) Data format c) c)Data processing 47) Turning data into information that is useful a) c) Data table b) d) Data format c) c)Data processing 48) In spreadsheet you can create your own error message , it should consist of : a) a) Title b) b) Message text c) c)both a and b

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