Bake - To cook food with dry heat, usually in an oven., Boil - To heat a liquid until bubbles rise constantly to the surface., Fry - To cook food in hot oil or fat., Grill - To cook food on a metal frame over fire., Roast - To cook food in an oven or over a fire., Steam - To cook food using the steam from boiling water., Saute - To fry food quickly in a little hot fat., Blend - To mix ingredients together until smooth., Mix - To combine two or more substances so that they become a single substance., Chop - To cut food into small pieces., Dice - To cut food into small cubes., Slice - To cut food into thin, flat pieces., Mince - To cut or grind food into very small pieces., Knead - To work dough with hands to mix and develop the texture., Whisk - To beat or stir with a light, rapid movement., Whip - To beat food, such as cream or eggs, quickly and forcefully to make it light and fluffy., Marinate - To soak food in a sauce before cooking to make it more tender or flavorful., Season - To add salt, herbs, or spices to food., Glaze - To cover food with a liquid that will shine and become sticky when cooked., Garnish - To add decorative or flavorful touches to food., Simmer - To cook liquid gently at a temperature just below boiling., Poach - To cook food gently in liquid just below the boiling point., Caramelise - To heat sugar until it browns and becomes a syrup., Sear - To cook the surface of meat or other food quickly at a high temperature so that it turns brown., Stir - To mix ingredients together using a circular motion., Fold - To gently mix ingredients by turning one part over another, especially when combining delicate or fluffy ingredients., Toss - To mix ingredients by lifting and turning them in a gentle, tossing motion., Shred - To cut or tear food into thin strips or pieces., Peel - To remove the outer skin or covering from fruits or vegetables., Core - To remove the central part (such as seeds or tough stem) from fruits or vegetables., Pit - To remove the stone or seed from fruits like cherries, peaches, or avocados., Fillet - To cut meat or fish into boneless, flat pieces., Baste - To moisten food while cooking by spooning or brushing liquid (such as melted butter or sauce) over it., Ferment - To cause a chemical change in food or drink through the action of yeast or bacteria, usually to produce alcohol or to preserve food., Pickle - To preserve food in vinegar or brine., Smoke - To preserve or flavor food by exposing it to smoke., Cool - To let food become less hot., Freeze - To lower the temperature of food to make it solid and preserve it., Thaw - To let frozen food become warm enough to use., Reheat - To heat food again after it has been cooked and cooled., Toast - To brown food, such as bread, by exposing it to heat., Spread - To apply a thin layer of a substance over the surface of food., Layer - To place food items on top of each other., Stuff - To fill the inside of something with a mixture or filling., Roll - To form food into a rounded shape or to flatten dough with a rolling pin., Skewer - To hold pieces of food together using a thin, pointed stick., Grate - To shred food into small pieces using a grater., Zest - To remove the outer skin of citrus fruits in thin strips., Infuse - To soak food or herbs in a liquid to extract flavors., Puree - To blend food until it becomes smooth and creamy., Mash - To crush food, like potatoes, into a soft, smooth mixture., Debone - To remove bones from meat or fish., Hull - To remove the outer covering or husk from fruits or seeds., Shell - To remove the outside from nuts, shellfish, or eggs., Husk - To remove the dry outer covering from fruits, seeds, or vegetables., Brew - To make a drink like tea or coffee by soaking in hot water., Stew - To cook food slowly in liquid for a long time., Drizzle - To pour a thin stream of liquid over food., Dust - To lightly sprinkle a fine substance like sugar or flour over food., Coat - To cover food with a layer of another substance., Soak - To immerse food in liquid for a period of time., Sprinkle - To scatter small pieces or drops of a substance over food., Squeeze - To press something firmly to extract liquid or juice., Carve - To cut meat into slices or pieces., Flambé - To cover food in alcohol and set it on fire., Cut up - To cut something into smaller pieces., Fry up - To cook food in hot oil or fat., Boil over - When liquid in a pot spills over the edge while boiling., Cook up - To prepare or make food., Cool down - To let food become less hot., Heat up - To make food hot again., Whip up - To quickly make a meal or dish., Slice off - To cut a piece from something larger., Grind down - To crush something into very small pieces or powder., Pour out - To transfer liquid from one container to another., Dish out - To serve food onto plates., Eat up - To finish all the food on your plate., Peel off - To remove the outer layer or skin from something., Pick out - To choose or select something from a group., Stir in - To add an ingredient to a mixture and mix it with a spoon., Mix in - To combine an ingredient with others by stirring., Chop up - To cut something into small pieces., Bake off - To finish cooking something by baking it., Spread out - To cover a surface evenly with a layer of something., Serve up - To put food on plates and give it to people to eat., Piece of cake - Something very easy to do., Spill the beans - Reveal a secret., Bite off more than you can chew - Take on a task that is too big., Full plate - A lot of work or responsibilities., In a pickle - In a difficult situation., Bread and butter - Main source of income., Bring home the bacon - Earn the family’s living., Cry over spilled milk - Complain about a loss from the past., Half-baked idea - A poorly thought-out plan., The icing on the cake - Something that makes a good situation even better., Have your cake and eat it too - Wanting two good things at the same time that are usually impossible to have together., Butter someone up - To flatter someone to get a favor., Bad egg - A person who is often in trouble or does bad things., Eat like a horse - To eat a lot of food., Cup of tea - Something that someone enjoys or prefers.,

I1 Food verbs and idioms.

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