saber - to know (facts), canon - the official list of inspired books in the Bible, gospel - good news, synoptic - "seen together", sadducees - aristocratic Jewish leaders who did not believe in the Resurrection, conocer - to know (personal relationship), theophany - an appearance of God, dove - symbolized the Holy Spirit at the Baptism of Jesus, sanhedrin - official governing body of the Jewish people during the time of Jesus, parable - a story that compares an everyday reality with a spiritual truth, rabbi - teacher, beatitude - Jesus' blueprint to a happy life, miracle - a sign of divine power and an invitation to faith, martyr - witness, acts - Luke's follow-up to his Gospel, matthew - wrote to a primarily Jewish Christian audience, john - His Gospel is written last and unique, mark - His Gospel is written before the others, luke - He was a physician and concerned with the poor and the outcast, scribe - a professional writer, stephen - considered the first Christian martyr, twentyseven - Number of books in the New Testament, thirteen - Number of letters that Paul wrote, romans - Paul's longest letter, thessalonians - The oldest piece of New Testament writing - 1 ______________________, pentecost - The Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles, damascus - Paul was headed here when he has a dramatic conversion experience, eyesandears - You need these to understand, categories - nature, illness, death, novena - Nine Days of Prayer, prison - Paul wrote four letters from this place., tents - Paul worked for a living making these., theway - Christianity was referred to as this before becoming known as Christianity., greeting - This part of a letter identifies the writer and the recipient., theophilus - Lover of God, philemon - Paul's shortest letter written on behalf of a runaway slave., gamaliel - Paul's famous teacher, magdalene - "Apostle to the apostles", palm - First day of Holy Week: ___________ Sunday, hosanna - When Jesus enters Jerusalem the crowds are praising Him shouting this Hebrew word., thursday - The Last Supper takes place on Holy ________________, good - The crucifixion takes place on _________ Friday, baptism - the starting point of Jesus' ministry, tax collector - Matthew was a former ____________________., thomas - He would not believe Jesus rose from the grave until he saw the nail marks for himself., zealots - This group called for a military overthrow of the Roman authorities, meal - Considered a sacred act expressing unity and friendship., perspectives - The answer to the question: Why Four Gospels?, typology - Figures & Events from the O.T. foreshadow greater things in the N.T., unlikely - God often works with and through __________________ people.,


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