1) What does expedition mean? a) going on a journey for a reason b) eating food c) reading a book d) looking at pictures 2) What was the problem with the robot? a) It exploded and damaged the ship b) It was trapped inside the wreck. c) The team lost it in the dark 3) Which sentence means the same as "we were totally on our own"? a) We had to control the robots ourselves. b) It was a very lonely feeling in the submarine. c) There was nobody who could help us. 4) What caused the problem in paragraph E? a) the pilot b) a robot c) a crewmate 5) In paragraph F, what does "fell" mean? a) died b) dropped c) tripped 6) There was a problem with the batteries in ..... a) the blue robot b) the green robot c) the submarine 7) A hook was attached to a) the blue robot b) the green robot c) the submarine 8) A crane was used to put .... into the water. a) the blue robot b) the green robot c) the submarine 9) There was a problem with .... when somebody touched some wires. a) the blue robot b) the green robot c) the submarine 10) The crew eventually used .... to pull out .... a) the crane b) the green robot and the blue robot c) the submarine 11) What does dangerous mean? a) good for you b) scary c) causes harm or injury d) caring 12) What does the word terrifying mean? a) makes us happy b) causes us fear c) gives you joy d) makes you hungry 13) What are batteries? a) supplies energy b) food c) drinks d) people 14) The .... was to use the hanger's hook to pull the green robot out. a) idea b) plan c) pilot d) metal 15) This little robot was part of the ....... a) class b) ship c) team d) house

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