1) Would you mutter under your breath, if you were busy working on something but then someone interrupted you wanting you to stop what you are doing and do something else? 2) Would you expect that a prudish sense of style would see a woman in knee length skirts and a full blouse, not revealing any bits that may be considered to be sexy or alluring? 3) Do you think that kids who don’t want to get into trouble for talking back to their parents have often mutter rebellious things under their breath? 4) If a celebrity makes a gaffe, is it always seen by the media? Do you think this means that they are monitored 24-7? 5) In horror movies do you agree that the female teen who always goes to investigate the ominous noises must be thick? 6) Have you ever been having a perfectly normal or rational conversation when suddenly a person or thing was mentioned that led to invectives. 7) IF you were faced with an argument full of invectives, would you do well to simply walk away before it causes you too much damage? 8) Do you think that parents are unconcerned about age-restricted movies nowadays or have they given up the battle given that profanity is everywhere nowadays? 9) Would you label someone thick if they accidentally sent out an email revealing a secret to the whole staff instead of a friend? 10) Would it be a terrible gaffe to be insulting someone, and then realise that the radio is switched on and everyone can hear you? 11) Do you ever wish you could tell someone to ‘speak up and stop muttering’? 12) Why is it that we have a greater respect for someone with an intellectual disability, yet still able to articulate themselves clearly? 13) Is it romantic that if unable to articulate your love, it is expressed instead in a poem but emoticons... well, that is never romantic?! 14) Would you be amused or exit a restaurant if you found yourself seated next to a couple that were engaged in a profane discussion about their sex life? 15) Do you think that eating healthier foods and exercising for at least two hours a week may decrease the likelihood of getting nausea?

C1 lesson begin June 2024

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