1) Ali _______ his fiance last summer. a) married b) get married c) celebrated his marriage d) marry 2) We ___________ recently to a new house. a) moved b) have moved c) has moved d) have recently moved 3) Marks traveled around Europe after he _______ from college. a) has graduated b) have graduated c) graduates d) graduated 4) Mona _______ a new haircut today.  a) have b) got c) gets d) gotten 5) He bought a new car, it is ....... a) faster b) fast c) fasting d) fastest 6) They moved to a new city, it is _________ a) crowded b) most crowded c) crowding d) more crowded 7) What _____ you_______upto? a) has/ been b) have/ been c) is/ been d) have/ seen 8) What has she been upto? She has ________ _______ her homework. a) been does b) done c) been doing d) been done 9) He __________ in New York. a) has lived b) have lived c) living d) lives 10) I haven't seen her __________ a) for ages b) for age c) for time d) a while

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