What is excretion? - Excretion is the removal of metabolic waste products and substances in excess from the body., What is metabolic waste? - Metabolic waste refers to any substance produced as a result of cellular processes that the body does not require., What is the basic unit of the kidney? - The nephron, What are the two processes involved in the formation of urine? - Ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption, What is reabsorbed at the proximal convoluted tubule? - All glucose, all amino acids, most of the water and most of the mineral salts, What is reabsorbed at the loop of Henle? - Some water., What is reabsorbed at the distal convoluted tubule? - Some water and some mineral salts., What is reabsorbed at the collecting duct? - Some water; the amount can be controlled by the secretion of anti-diuretic hormone., What is osmoregulation? - Osmoregulation is the control of blood water potential and solute concentration within a narrow limit., What are the two possible interventions when the kidneys fail? - Kidney transplant or dialysis.,

Excretion in Humans - Flash cards

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