1) Our school is having a picnic. _____ is fun! a) He b) It c) We 2) My class and I are eating outside. _____ eat with other kids. a) We b) It c) She 3) I packed a lot of food. _____ is going to be delicious.  a) He b) It c) They 4) Me and my friends share food. _____ get to try a lot of food. a) He b) We c) They 5) Teacher Jen tells us to set the picnic. _____ helps us do it. a) He b) She c) They 6) The other kids also set their picnic spot. _____ get help from their teacher.  a) He b) We c) They 7) Me and my class talk a lot. _____ are excited! a) It b) We c) They 8) Me, my class, and the other kids have fun. _____ share a lot of food and eat out.  a) We b) She c) They 9) After eating we pick up the trash. We put all of _____ in the bins. a) He b) It c) She 10) Me, my class, and other kids had so much fun! _____ wish to have a picnic again. a) He b) We c) They

The School Picnic (He / She / We / They / It)

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