1) My daughter believes absolutely everything you tell her. But she's only five. a) tolerant b) gullible c) weird 2) My grandfather can't read or write. He worked on the family farm from the age of seven. a) skilful b) illiterate c) tough 3) In my family we say that my brother has two left hands. He breaks everything.  a) tough b) skilful c) clumsy 4) My mother is a thinker, always discussing issues and reads a lot of heavy books. a) intimidating b) genuine c) intellectual 5) My brother-in-law makes beautiful furniture. It's great to watch him working.   a) genuine b) tough c) skilful 6) My aunt spends her life reading horoscopes, she carries lucky charms around with her, and she never, ever walks under a ladder!   a) superstitious b) gullible c) clumsy 7) My father has some strong opinions, but he seems to get on with everybody, whatever their politics.  a) intellectual b) tolerant c) versatile 8) My sister-in-law has had lots of trouble in her life, but she is a survivor - and nobody pushes her around. a) tough b) intimidating c) genuine 9) With my uncle, 'what you see is what you get'. He never says anything unless he means it, and he really cares about people. a) nice b) genuine c) tolerant 10) My eldest son is always creating something. He's full of energy. a) skilful b) dynamic c) versatile 11) My cousin Vinnie always suspects everyone's motives.  a) superstitious b) cynical c) gullible 12) My godmother has terribly strong views on things, and not many people dare to contradict her.   a) intimidating b) tough c) cynical


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