1) Did you hear about Vicky? She _________ university because she's travelling to Europe. a) dropped out b) gives up c) picked up d) thinks ahead 2) If you want to succeed in business, you need to ___________so everyone trusts you. a) makes the best of it b) give up c) know your stuff d) thought ahead 3) It's been 20 years since I __________with all my classmates from school.  a) lost touch b) picked up c) did my best  4) Sometimes, it's better to _________ if you really want something. a) give up something b) drop out something c) stick at something d) make the most of 5) Have you ever __________ something? Why did you surrender? a) known your stuff b) dropped out c) given up 6) My sister likes to __________ whenever she goes to a place so she can enjoy her holidays. a) do her best b) think ahead c) pick up d) know her stuff 7) A: How did you __________ French so fast? B: I studied Italian before, so it's easier. a) get on b) do your best c) drop out d) pick up 8) A: How ________in your new home? B: We just had some issues with electricity, but it's going to be fine. a) are you knowing your stuff b) are you dropping c) are you getting on d) are you picking up 9) He _________ to avoid situations that stressed him. He had to quit eventually. a) was doing his best b) knew his stuff c) was giving up d) was getting on 10) It's a beautiful day - we should ___________it and go to the zoo! a) do our best b) make the most of  c) know our stuff d) stick at 11) Do you know someone who's always ____________ to succeed in life? a) thinking ahead b) do their best c) getting on d) make the most of it


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