1) We ________ River Safari every year. a) visit b) visits 2) Srinika ________ to the library every week. a) go b) goes 3) I ________ to my favourite music. a) dance b) dances 4) My grandfather ________ me to school every day. a) drive b) drives 5) My grandparents always ________ me big hugs when I visit them. a) give b) gives 6) Saidip and his mother _________ the dishes after dinner every day. a) wash b) washes 7) My aunt likes to paint. She _______ every day. a) paint b) paints 8) You _______ every evening. You are a good swimmer. a) swim b) swims 9) The dog is barking. It _______ someone at the gate. a) see b) sees 10) Rikitha and her mother are going shopping. They _______ to buy some clothes for Deepavali. a) want b) wants 11) I _____ up early for school every day. a) wake b) wakes 12) My grandparents _______ delicious food on the table. a) put b) puts 13) My brother and I _______ our new clothes on the first day of Chinese New Year. a) wear b) wears 14) Mummy and Daddy _________ me to visit Grandma every Saturday. a) take b) takes 15) Grandma _______ a strawberry donut for me every Sunday. a) buy b) buys 16) I _______ Mummy before I sleep every night. a) hug b) hugs 17) Sister and I _________ three candles on the cake. a) place b) places 18) Daddy ________ the candles on the cake. Then we sing a birthday song for Brother. a) lights b) light

P1U11_SVA (present tense)

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