Tommy - Affectionate nickname for a British soldier in WW1 or WW2, Hun - Derogatory nickname for the Germans used in Britain in WW1 and WW2, Alliance - agreement between countries to support each other in war, ally - another country who is friendly and will help you defend or attack an enemy, annex - when an area of land or a country is added to another country or area usually by force or without permission, armed forces - soldiers, sailors and air crew who fight in wars, arms race - a competition between countries for the superiority in the development and build-up of weapons, assassinate - to murder an important person, usually for political reasons, cowardice - lack of courage or bravery, death toll - the number of people killed in a war or disaster, imperialism - a policy of extending a country’s power, control and influence over other countries., militarism - the belief that a country should have great military strength in order to be powerful, short-term - describes an event or situation that leads to an immediate effect, long-term - an event of situation that occurs over time and leads to an effect later, nationalism - a feeling of great pride in your country and a belief that it is better than any other, Sarajevo - Capital city of Bosnia where  Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, pals battalions - a group of friends or co-worder who enlisted yo fight in WW1 together, conscientious objector - a person who believes war is wrong and refuses to fight, conscription - the government policy of forcing people to join the armed forces (often in wartime), censorship - limiting access to information, ideas or books in order to prevent people from access knowledge, propaganda - false or misleading information designed to spread a certain point of view (used by governments and media) , enlist - to join the armed services - army, navy or air force,

World War One - vocabulary

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