animated - lively, bangles - braelets, calligraphy - decorative writing, earnestly - seriously, with sincerity, elongated - extra long, exasperation - intensely irritated, grimaces - a facial expression expressing disgust, grudgingly - to do something in a reluctant manner, jeering - teasing, making rude remarks, lukewarm - warm when it should be hot, petty - unimportant, purse - to make into wrinkles or folds, reverberating - repeating of a loud noise;echo, scurry - move hurriedly in small steps, stricken - troubled, hijab - head covering, iman - it means faith and is a male name in the Islam culture, Ramadan - Islamic holiday requiring fastening from sunup to sundown for a month , salaam - a greeting, Assalaamwalaikum - a greeting meaning "peace be upon you",

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