Pacers run with other runners and lead them in a marathon., There can be several pacers in a race., Pacers usually have flags or balloons showing their finish time., In short, pacers run but they don’t run to win., A pit is a place on the side of the race track., The main job of the pit crew is to check the car and change the tires., The pit crew has to work in perfect harmony., People say, “Races are won in the pits.”, Sherpas have good climbing skills and know their way around the mountains well., Sherpas have little difficulty breathing high up in the mountains., Sherpas put up tents and carry climbers’ bags., Sherpas are often called the invisible people of Mount Everest.,

Lesson5. 본문(단어배열) (3-6)

Tabla de clasificación

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?