brought - The students ... a dictionary to class., lost - I ... my keys in the park!, found - My uncle ... my keys! Thank goodness!, began - Class ... at 10 o'clock., was were - She ... ill and we ... sad., grew - I ... up in the city with my grandparents., had - We ... a great time in Italy., drank - The kitten ... all the milk., gave - The teacher ... us a lot of homework., went - My parents ... on holiday in June., made - Grandma ... a delicious lasagna., spoke - The boy only ... in Japanese., understood - The boy ... English very well., took - The girl ... the money from her mum's purse., taught - The teacher ... us the past simple., wrote - They ... a beautiful letter to their aunt., told - He ... me that he liked Fortnite a lot., sang - The kids ... really well on "The Voice"., thought - I ... today was Saturday!, woke - My dad ... up at 12pm!,

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