1) Write down which country the flag belongs to. a) Spain b) İtaly c) Germany d) Turkey e) France 2) "HELLO" mark the word that is not synonymous with the word ! a) Merhaba b) Bonjour c) Ciao d) See you e) Hallo 3) Which is in Egypt ? a) b) c) d) e) 4) Which part of the house is the place in the picture ? a) Kitchen b) Bedroom c) Garden d) Living room e) Garage 5) where is the cat on the chair ? a) İn front of b) Under c) İn d) On e) Near 6) "ball .................. the box" Which word should come in vain a) Behind b) Under c) Next to d) İn e) İn front of 7) Where is this place? a) Cafe b) Library c) Hospital d) Theatre e) Bank 8) what could be the subject of the movie in the photo ? a) Comedy b) Action c) Horror d) Animation e) Sci-fi 9) what is the name of the activity in the picture a) Scuba diving b) Taking photos c) Cycling d) Snowboarding e) Dancing 10) what is the person job in the picture a) Engineer b) Fashion desingner c) Actor d) Chemist e) Waitress

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