moral - (n) a lesson or principle learned from a story, parched - (adj) dried out by heat; very thirsty, famished - (adj) extremely hungry, thoughtful - (adj) considerate; showing careful thought, gleam - (v) to shine brightly, squint - (v) to partly close your eyes because of bright light, ravenous - (adj) extremely hungry, bleak - (adj) cold and unpleasant; without hope or cheer, stealthily - (adv) in a quiet and secret way, menacing - (adj) seeming dangerous or threatening, talon - (n) a sharp claw of a bird of prey, ferocious - (adj) savagely fierce, cruel, or violent, splendid - (adj) magnificent; very impressive, flourish - (v) wave something about in an excited manner, relentless - (adj) unceasingly intense; determined and focused, sumptuous - (adj) splendid and expensive-looking, abruptly - (adv) suddenly and unexpectedly, dialogue - (n) conversation between two or more people, enthusiastically - (adv) in a way that shows great excitement and interest, suspiciously - (adv) in a way that shows a feeling of doubt or mistrust, ambling - (v) walking slowly and without hurry, flea - (n) a small wingless insect that lives on mammals and birds and feeds on their blood, respectful - (adj) showing or having politeness and deference, chores - (n) routine domestic tasks, admire - (v) regard with respect or approval, generous - (adj) willing to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary, demanding - (adj) making great demands on someone's abilities or resources, arrogant - (adj) having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities, opinion - (n) a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge, squish - (v) crush something soft,

Vocab List 2 smt 1 P5 ELA


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