se réveiller - to wake up, s'amuser - to have fun, s'entendre bien (avec) - to get along well (with), se coiffer - to do your hair, se lever - to get up, se peigner - to comb your hair, se dépêcher - to hurry up, s'ennuyer - to get bored, se coucher - to go to bed, se maquiller - to put on makeup, se doucher - to shower, s'habiller - to get dressed, s'endormir - to fall asleep, se promener - to go for a walk, se déshabiller - to get undressed, se détendre/se reposer - to relax, se raser - to shave, s’attacher les cheveux - to put your hair up (ex: in a ponytail), s'intéresser à - to be interested in, se friser les cheveux - to curl your hair, se démêler les cheveux - to detangle your hair, se lisser les cheveux - to straighten your hair, se mettre - to put on, se sécher - to dry off, se préparer (pour) - to get ready for, se brosser - to brush, se baigner - to take a bath, to bathe, se laver - to wash yourself, se traîner du lit - to drag yourself out of bed, s'étirer - to stretch,

Les Verbes Pronominaux - la routine quotidienne

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