1) What's the correct spelling? a) combin b) combine c) cobine 2) What's the correct spelling? a) invite b) innvite c) inevite 3) What's the correct spelling? a) reptil b) reptille c) reptile 4) What's the correct spelling? a) admire b) admir c) ademire 5) What's the correct spelling? a) iggnore b) ignor c) ignore 6) What's the correct spelling? a) dispose b) disspose c) dispos 7) What's the correct spelling? a) compere b) compar c) compare 8) What's the correct spelling? a) excape b) escape c) escap 9) What's the correct spelling? a) costume b) cosstume c) costum 10) What's the correct spelling? a) supose b) suppose c) soppose 11) What's the correct spelling? a) misstake b) mistak c) mistake 12) What's the correct spelling? a) intire b) entire c) entir 13) What's the correct spelling? a) cunfuse b) confus c) confuse 14) What's the correct spelling? a) umpire b) ummpire c) umpir

3rd Grade List 14 VCCV with VCe Words

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