1) There are ... coconuts on the tree. a) a b) some c) any 2) There isn’t ... salt in the cupboard. a) a b) some c) any 3) There is ... cup of coffee.  a) a b) some c) any 4) Are there ... spices on the table? a) a b) some c) any 5) I sometimes add ... beans on my toast.  a) a b) any  c) some 6) ... ... have got lots of Vit C. a) Citrus fruits b) Lemons c) Apples  7) There ... some rice in the bowl. a) is b) are 8) ... there any honey? a) Is b) Are c) Have  9) There are ... olives on the table. a) any  b) some 10) There isn’t ... coffee in the cupboard. a) a b) some c) any

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