1) An underwater mountain system form by plate tectonics and is the largest single volcanic feature on earth. a) Trenches b) Mid-Ocean Ridge c) Seafloor Spreading 2) Huge pieces of lithosphere that slowly move on the asthenosphere and consist of the crust and the rigid uppermost part of the mantle. a) Tectonic Plates b) Fossils c) Pangaea 3) Deep and narrow depressions in the seafloor where the subducted plate moves into the asthenosphere. a) Tectonic Plates b) Lithosphere c) Trenches 4) Occurs when rising magma generates new ocean seafloor at ridges and pushes plates apart. a) Seafloor Spreading b) Lithosphere c) Trenches 5) Top layer of Earth made of the crust and the rigid, upper portion of the mantle that is broken into tectonic plates.  a) Asthenosphere b) Fossils c) Lithosphere 6) Partially molten rock layer under the lithosphere. a) Asthenoshere b) Energy c) Large-scale systems interactions 7) The mineralized remains of organisms lived , showing how long-dead organisms lived and how their bodies were structured. a) Lithosphere b) Fossils c) Energy 8) Earthquakes, volcanoes, etc... a) Pangaea b) Energy c) Large-scale systems interactions 9) Ancient super-continent from which present continents moved into their current positions through plate tectonics. a) Pangaea b) Energy c) Matter 10) The ability of a system to do work. a) Matter b) Energy c) Organism 11) Anything that has mass and takes up space. a) Matter b) Organism c) Energy 12) A single, self-contained living thing. a) Matter b) Organism c) Energy 13) Cycling of organic and inorganic matter through living organisms and the environment. a) Water Cycle b) Carbon Cycle c) Nutrient Cycle 14) The constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things. a) Water Cycle b) Carbon Cycle c) Nutrient Cycle 15) The continuous movement of carbon among the abiotic environment and living things. a) Water Cycle b) Carbon Cycle c) Nutrient Cycle

Earth Vocabulary

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