1) What Merlin can do is _ _ _ _ magic! 2) Morfran offers a _ _ _ _ to King Vortigern's wife because she is ill. 3) Merlin is _ _ r _ that the two boys are bulllies 4) The king is not young, he looks quite serious and m _ _ _ _ _ . 5) The king's guards will _ _ pt _ _e Merlin because he is a fatherless boy.  6) Morfran wants to _ _s _ r _ the king that he is fit to be a magician! 7) Merlin gets upset when the bullies try to _ _ j _ r_ his toad.  8) To go faster on a bike, you can choose another g _ _ _ . 9) _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ nd 10) _ _ _ _ r 11) s _ _ _ rs

Revising PHONICs / URE+ a bit of EAR and AIR/



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