Adolescence    - Time of life when a child changes into an adult, Amniotic Sac - Bag of fluid which protects the growing foetus, Cervix - Muscular opening to the uterus. Holds the growing embryo in place during gestation, Chromosome - Thread of DNA which carries genetic information, DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid. The molecules of genetic information which make up chromosomes, Embryo - The earliest stage of life when the cells of the zygote are multiplying and growing., Fallopian Tube - Tube which runs from ovaries to uterus. (oviduct), Fertilisation - Fusing of the male and female gametes to form a zygote, Foetus - Later stage of gestation when the embryo has begun form characteristics of a baby., Gamete - Male or female sex cell. Sperm or ovum in humans. Pollen or ovule in plants., Gestation - Period of time the embryo grows in the uterus of a mammal. Known as pregnancy., Implantation - Fertilised egg (zygote) attaching to the wall of the uterus, Menstrual Cycle - A cycle which includes the thickening of the uterus wall and the ovulation of an egg (day 14)., Ovary - Organ of the female reproductive system where the eggs are kept., Egg - Female gamete. Found in ovary., Penis - Male sex organ which is inserted into the vagina during intercourse, Placenta - Organ which controls which chemicals are passed between the foetus and the mother., Scrotum - Bag in which testes are held outside the body to maintain optimal temperature, Sperm Cell - Small cell with a tail for swimming, carries male genetic information to the egg for fertilisation, Testes - Male sex organs which produce sperm, Umbilical Cord - Tube which connects the placenta to the baby, along which nutrients and oxygen can reach the baby., Urethra - Tube through which urine is passed from the bladder out of the body, Uterus - Part of the female reproductive organ in which the foetus grows. Has a thick lining which allows implantation of the fertilised egg. (womb), Vagina - Opening in which the penis is inserted during intercourse., Zygote - Fertilised cell which contains the nuclei from both male and female gametes., Period - Stage at the start of the menstrual cycle when the uterus wall is shed and excreted,

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