1) _____________________ on Broadway street. The hospital is on your right. a) Turn right b) Turn left c) Go straight ahead d) Turn straight 2) Go ahead for two blocks. Then, ______________ at Third avenue. a) Turn left b) Turn right c) Go left d) Go right 3) Excuse me. _____________ is Wallmart Supermarket, please? a) When b) Where c) What d) How 4) Go past the Pizza Place. Then, ________________ at Madison Avenue. a) Go right b) Turn left c) Turn right d) Go left 5) Go straight ahead on Fith Avenue. The theater  is ______________. a) at your right b) on the corner c) at the roundabout d) at your left 6) Excuse me. ___________ I get to the BrazilianBakery? a) How b) Where do c) When can d) How do 7) The bank is ______ from the church. a) Right b) In front c) Across d) Left 8) The ball is _______ the box a) In front of b) In front c) Across from d) On the corner 9) The basketball is ________ the sneakers a) In front of b) Between c) Right d) By 10) The cafe is _______ of Main street and Fith Avenue   a) Between b) Besides c) across from d) On the corner

Giving directions



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