1) There are ... oranges in the bowl.  a) some b) any 2) There aren't ... strawberries in our garden.  a) some b) any 3) I'd like to eat ... chicken.  a) some b) any 4) Are there ... crisps on the table?  a) some b) any 5) There are ... tomatoes in the bag.  a) some b) any 6) There aren't ... grapes in the supermarket.  a) some b) any 7) We don't need ... sausages.  a) some b) any 8) There isn't ... milk in the fridge.  a) some b) any 9) There's ... beef. a) some b) any 10) Do we need ... water for this recipe?  a) some b) any

Some OR any? Steps Plus VI food


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