Correct: The flag is a piece of cloth with colors and patterns., The flag is a symbol of our country., The Egyptian flag is red, white, and black., The Egyptian flag has a gold eagle in the middle., We look at the Egyptian flag to say the Pledge of Allegiance., Pledge means promise., Allegiance means being loyal., We promise to be loyal when we say the Pledge of Allegiance., The Pledge of Allegiance is a tradition because it is passed down over time., Incorrect: A flag is a piece of rock with colors and patterns., A flag is a piece of wood with colors and patterns, The Egyptian color is red, white and green., The Egyptian flag has two colors only., The Egyptian flag has a purple eagle in the middle., The Egyptian flag has nothing in the middle., We dance when we look at the flag., We should not respect our flag., Pledge means to lie., Allegiance means to be greedy., We promise to be bad citizens when we say the Pledge of Allegiance., The Pledge of Allegiance is a tradition because we play during it. ,

Social Studies: Chapter 3, Lesson 1 (The Pledge of Allegiance)



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