1) What can be the best title for the passage 1? a) The ways to stop taking drugs b) The reasons of taking drug c) The different kinds of drugs d) Learning to understand the drug addicts 2) What does the word "gradually" mean? a) suddenfly b) step by step c) reversly d) sincerly 3) What is the benefit of the second way of quitting drugs? a) It takes much less time than the first one. b) The addicts understand why they need drugs. c) It leads to a lot of death among the addicts. d) It is more effective than any other way. 4) How many kinds of the crocodile in Samut Prakarn Crocodile Farm and Zoo? a) one b) two c) five d) ten 5) Are there any kinds of animals in this farm? a) Yes, there are few kinds of animal in this farm. b) Yes, there are a good number of other creature in this farm. c) No, there are only crocodile in this farm. d) No, there are over 30,000 crocodiles in this farm. 6) What does the word "Public holiday" refers to? a) H.M. Queen Birthday b) Loy Kratong's Day c) Thai Arm Force Day d) International Woman's Day 7) Anyone can enter the farm but he must ................................ a) pay for charity b) pay for red-cross c) pay admission d) pay for crocodiles show 8) Where do giant pandas come from? a) Laos b) China c) Indonesia d) Australia 9) What do they look like? a) donkey b) koala c) conger d) bear 10) What do giant pandas like to eat? a) cowpea b) olive c) lettuce d) bamboo shoot 11) Where do the smaller pandas come from? a) Australia b) China c) India d) Chile 12) How do the smaller panda look like? a) cat b) bear c) owl d) elephant 13) Every people don't know if they snore. a) True b) False 14) Snoring affects your health. a) True b) False 15) No couples get divorced due to their snoring. a) True b) False 16) Snoring is a problem that can't be cured. a) True  b) False  17) The percent of males' snoring is larger than females' snoring a) True b) False  18) Teenagers seem to snore more than adults. a) True b) False  19) The people who smoke tend to snore less than non-smoker a) True b) False 20) What is the best topic of the passage 5? a) The heatwave which has swept India. b) Most death has taken place in India. c) High temperature in India d) How to suffer from the heatwave 21) What are people suffering from heatwave advised to? a) Find your terminal b) Print your boarding pass c) Reduce the amount of fat you eat d) How to suffer from the heatwave  22) What is believed to be the reason for some couple to be a single child or even no children? a) The natural disaster  b) The economic reason c) The education level d) The religious conflict  23) In the past, what was one big family made up of? a) father and mother b) son and daugther c) uncle and aunt d) parents, children, and grandparents 24) Give an example of why people left their hometowns. a) look for a job b) want to have a lot of money  c) receive higher education d) all are corect 25) What is the best title for this article (passage 8) ? a) Pluto, The only real planet b) Pluto, A non-planet c) Pluto, A planet with its own light d) Pluto, Astronomers' scare 26) What did the astronomer find beyond Pluto in 2003? a) A new planet b) A new galaxy c) A new milky way d) A new star 27) Why was Pluto categorized as a non-planet? a) Because of its formation b) Because of its location c) Because of it's a number of moons d) Because of its location  28) What does the word "objects" (paragraph 2) refer to? a) protest b) substance c) planet d) reject 29) Which of the following is not true, according to the passage? a) Pluto has never been a planet at all. b) Astronomer can see any plutoid with naked eyes. c) Telescope are used by astronomers to view a dwarf planet d) All dwarf planets orbit around the earth. 30) What can be assumed from the passage? a) Scientists have already known how the planets originated. b) Scientists have still studied. c) The planets have grouped themselves together. d) Pluto has nearly faded away from scientists' attention.

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