1) What is a specific characteristic of an individual feature? a) Feature b) Trait c) Recessive Allele d) Gene e) Chromosome f) Dominant Allele 2) What is a distinctive attribute or aspect of an organism? a) Trait b) Gene c) Genotype d) Phenotype e) Feature f) Allele 3) What is the basic unit of heredity carried by the chromosomes; code for features of organisms? a) Phenotype b) Genotype c) Dominant Allele d) Recessive Allele e) Feature f) Gene 4) What are variations of genes that determine traits in organisms? a) Gene b) Chromosome c) Recessive Allele d) Allele e) Dominant Allele f) Feature 5) What is a form of a gene that is expressed as the trait when a dominant allele is present? a) Recessive Allele b) Dominant Allele c) Feature d) Trait e) Allele f) Chromosome 6) What is a form of a gene that is expressed as the trait only when a dominant allele is not present? a) Recessive Allele b) Dominant Allele c) Feature d) Trait e) Allele f) Chromosome 7) What are the traits produced by the genotype; or the physical expression of the genes? a) Genotype b) Phenotype c) Trait d) Allele e) Feature f) Chromosome 8) What are an organism's particular combination of paired alleles, expressed by a letter pairing? a) Genotype b) Phenotype c) Chromosome d) Feature e) Trait f) Allele 9) What is a gene composed of two different alleles? a) Dominant Allele b) Recessive Allele c) Homozygous Gene d) Heterozygous Gene e) Chromosome f) Allele 10) What is a gene composed of two identical alleles? a) Dominant Allele b) Recessive Allele c) Homozygous Gene d) Heterozygous Gene e) Chromosome f) Allele 11) What is a structure that transfers hereditary information to the next generation? a) Allele b) Gene c) Chromosome d) Trait e) Feature




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