cry over spilt milk - waste time feeling upset about sth bad that has happened and cannot be changed, fly off the handle - suddenly become extremely angry without a good reason, give sb a taste/ dose of their own medicine - treat sb in the same bad way as they treat other people, give sth a miss - decide not to do sth that you usually do, grin and bear it - accept a difficult situation without complaining or showing how you feel, keep a straight face - remain serious and not laugh, keep your hair on - used for telling sb not to feel angry or upset, kick yourself - to be very annoyed because you have made a mistake, missed an opportunity, etc, let off steam - shout or to do sth that allows you to get rid of anger, let sleeping dogs lie - leave a person or situation alone if they might cause you trouble, never/don't look a gift horse in the mouth - if you are given sth good, you should not complain about it or try to find things that are wrong with it, up in arms about - angry and complaining about sth,

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