all the people who act in a film - cast, the most important actor in a film - star, the music of a film - soundtrack, the story of a film - plot, the part of a film which happens in one place - scene, the people who watch a film in a cinema - audience, a film which continues the story of an earlier film - sequel, images often created by a computer - special effects, a series of short scenes from a film, shown in advance to advertise it - trailer, the words of a film - script, a person who is employed to play a very small part in a film, usually as a member of a crowd - extra, the translation of a dialogue of a film on screen - subtitles, an article which gives an opinion about a new film - review, the place where a film is being shot - set, a person who writes film reviews for the press - critic, two people who are married or in a romantic relationship - couple, your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend - partner, the person that you are engaged to be married to - fiancè - fiacée, a person that you share a flat with - flatmate, a person that you work with - colleague / workmate, a person that you used to have a relationship with - an EX, a person who is in the same class as you at school or college - classmate, a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed - referee, the leader of a sports team - captain, someone who trains athletes and helps them improve - coach, people who admire and support a sports team - fans, someone who takes part in a game or sport - player, the people who watch a sports event - spectators, a place where people go at the weekend to watch a football match - stadium, people who train and play together as a group - team,
English File Intermediate unit 4-5 vocab revision
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