a consumer society - a society that consumes / puchases products, standard of living - the amount of $ and level of comfort a person / a group has, inflation - the value of money is falling, cost of living - the amount you pay for food, or anything, manage their accounts - deal with their $ in the bank, balance - the amount of $ that sb. has in their bank account at a particular time, make transfers - move $ from one place to another, interest rate - the % of extra $ that you pay back when you borrow $, mortgage - home loan, in debt - the situation of owing $, especially when you cannot pay, share - any of the units of equal value into which a company is divided and sold to raise $., stock market / stock exchange - the business of buying and selling shares in companies and the place where this happens, exchange rate - the amount of $ you get when you change one currency into another, go bankrupt - be without $ to pay what you owe, the recession - a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed,



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