bank - a business where people keep their money, borrow money, etc., or the building where such a business operates., deposit - an amount of money that is put in a bank account, withdrawal - Taking money out of a bank account, credit card - A plastic card used to purchase goods or services. You receive a monthly bill, and you will pay interest on any balance you carry, debit card - A plastic card used to purchase goods or services. The money is deducted immediately from your account., checking account - a bank account from which you can take money by writing checks, credit score - a score or grade that a company or organization gives to a possible borrower and that indicates how likely the borrower is to repay a loan, credit report - a document that contains a person's or company's record of debt and payment of debt over a period of time, grant - Money awarded to students for college that does not need to be repaid, scholarship - Money awarded to students based on achievement, work-study - Job on campus or at local organizations that pay toward tuition,

Financial Literacy Vocabulary Preview


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