Where did you go last summer? Who did you go with? , When did you last watch a film? What was it called?, When did you last go shopping? What did you buy?, When did you last get a present? Did you like it?, When did you last play a video game? What was it called?, When did you last eat in a restaurant? What did you eat?, When did you last read a book? What was it called?, When did you last travel? Where did you go?, When did you last give a present? What was it?, What did you do last weekend? Who were you with?, Did you play any sports last week? What did you play?, What did you do for your last birthday? , Who did you last talk to on the phone?, What time did you go to bed last night?, What was the last photo you took?, What did you have for breakfast this morning?, When did you last see the sea?, What was the last meal you cooked?, What time did you get up this morning?, When did you last travel by train?, When did you last have your hair cut?, Did you watch TV yesterday?, Did you visit your grandparents last week?, Did you buy any clothes last weekend?, Did you go to the cinema last week?.




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