True: Judah promised his father he would keep Benjamin safe., Jacob asked God for help., Judah offered to be Joseph's slave so Benjamin could go free., God's kindness and love leads us to repentance., Joseph's dreams were coming true., Jesus rescues us and takes the punishment for our sins., God must judge sin., God uses challenges to change our hearts., Jesus takes away the heavy burden of sin., Repentance is when we recognize our guilt, confess it to God and turn away from our sin., False: Jacob sent his sons to go back to Egypt to retrieve Simeon., When hard things happen to us, it means God is mad at us., Joseph told his steward to take Benjamin and his other brothers to prison., The brothers were excited to go to Joseph's house., Joseph gave all the brothers the same meal., God is kind to us only when we are good., The brothers were jealous of Benjamin's portion., It was easy for Jacob to let Benjamin go when he knew it was the only way to get food., Benjamin stole a silver cup from Joseph., We only need to confess our really big sins., God wants us to repent so we can feel guilty., Judah's past failures prevented him from being a useful part of God's plans., If we don't confess, God won't know what we've done.,
Joseph and Repentance BSF Genesis Lesson 26 True/False
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