Abraham ____ became president in ____. The ____ was afraid he would try to end ____. The ____ Compromise said that there would be no ____ states ____ the line 36 30. Harriet Beecher ____ wrote an important ____ called Uncle Tom's ____. It was about what life was like for ____. The ____ for the southern ____ was Robert E. ____. The south called itself the ____ States. The ____ shots of the ____ War were fired at Fort ____. Abraham ____ focused on holding the ____ together at first. Later he decided to ____ on ending ____. The draft ____ people to be in the ____ whether they wanted to or not. ____ soldiers wore blue and ____ soldiers wore gray. Antietam was the first battle on ____ soil, and the battle ended up being the ____ day in U.S. military ____. The Battle of ____ was a turning point in the ____ since it led to ____ issuing his Emancipation ____. Lee decided to ____ the north and there was a huge battle in ____ Pennsylvania. It lasted ____ days. The ____ army beat the ____ army.

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