Upstairs Brain (cortex and prefrontal cortex): Decision making, Planning, Open to other ideas and points of view, Use of expressive language, Starts and completes tasks and plans, Seeks out and analyzes new information , Able to understand other people's feelings and body language, Empathy, Morality, Mammal/primate/human brain, Makes sense of emotions and processes them, Logical and rational thinking, Monitors emotions and strong impulses, Will be shut down under duress/stress, Downstairs Brain (brain stem and mid brain): Reacts - yell, scream, argue, and/or run away, Associates smells to memories, Controls breathing, Controls blood pressure, On autopilot, Lizard brain, Saves us from urgent/dangerous situations, Strong emotions and impulses, Will take over under stress/duress, "Gut" reactions, Both: Controls body and reactions, Need to work together to help us make healthy decisions, Are important and necessary parts of our brain that help us survive,

Upstairs vs. Downstairs Brain



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