1) The action you do to go to the bottom of a webpage.  a) Scroll down b) Scroll up c) Click on 2) The action you do to go to the beginning of a webpage a) click on b) scroll down c) scroll up 3) You just have to _____ __ in the link you have to open a) back up b) shut down c) click on 4) What action do you do when you want to see the little details on a photo? a) zoom out b) zoom in c) shut down 5) To expand the view on something... to make bigger a map in google maps. a) zoom out b) sign into c) back up 6) The action you do when you want to join a webpage or social network a) shut down b) turn on c) sign into 7) What do you have to do if you want to let your computer or cellphote rest a little? a) Back up b) Turn on c) Shut down 8) The first action you do when you want to use a computer a) Turn on b) back up c) scroll down 9) What about the action you do when you want to save information in different places? a) sign into b) sign out c) back up 10) What is recommended to do after you use a social network in a public computer? a) sign in b) sign out c) scroll up

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