advert - information on the TV, in a newspaper or magazine about something you can buy, bowl - you can eat soup from it with a spoon, championship - sports competiton for a lot of teams, cheer - shout loudly because you're happy, atach - put toghether, cymbals - very loud musical instrument, two flat pieces of metal that you play with your hands, earthquake - a time when the ground moves and shakes and sometimes buildings fsall down, enormous - very big, father-in-law - father of your husband or wife, factory - a big building where people work making things by using machines, explorer - a pearson who travells to different parts of the world, feel dizzy - feel like it's going round and round, fair - a place where you can ride on machines and play games to win something, disappear - when something isn't there anymore, disappointed - sad, because you wanted something to be good but it isn't, cave - a large deep hole in the mountain, chop - to cut into small pieces, collapse - break into many small parts or fall down, court - place where you can play tennis, basketball or some other ball sports, departures - the part of an airport that you leave from to get on a plane and fly,
ff4 vocabulary a-f
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