1) Someone who is easy to get along with a) Brave b) Puntual c) Easy-going d) Punctual 2) Someone who shares their things with others a) Generous b) Talkative c) Selfish d) Smart 3) Someone who works very hard a) Thoughtful b) Shy c) Popular d) hardworking 4) Someone who is truthful  a) Generous b) Cute c) Honest d) Nervous 5) Someone who often has good fortune a) Lazy b) Lucky c) Punctual d) Nervous 6) Someone who is easily getting angry a) Shy b) Smart c) Stubborn d) Nervous 7) Someone who only thinks about himself/herself a) Generous b) Helpful c) Selfish d) Polite 8) Someone who is quiet and a little bit nervous a) Honest b) Friendly c) Shy d) Talkative 9) Someone who is very clever a) Lazy b) Smart c) Punctual d) Helpful 10) Someone who talks a lot a) Friendly b) Cheerful c) Kind d) Talkative 11) Someone who makes people laugh a) Easy-going b) Talkative c) Funny d) Polite 12) Someone who doesn't listen to others and thinks he/she is always right a) Shy b) Smart c) Honest d) Stubborn 13) Someone who pays attention to others' feelings a) Kind b) Talkative c) Thoughtful d) Generous 14) Someone who doesn't like spending money a) Generous b) Creative c) Cute d) Mean 15) Someone who always smiles a) Nervous b) Cheerful c) Shy d) Mean

7th Grade/Unit 1/ Personality



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