been - what's the past participle of 'be', bought - what's the past participle of 'buy', eaten - what's the past participle of 'eat', drunk - what's the past participle of 'drink', done - what's the past participle of 'do', found - what's the past participle of 'find', gone - what's the past participle of 'go', left - what's the past participle of 'leave', made - what's the past participle of 'make', paid - what's the past participle of 'pay', ridden - what's the past participle of 'ride', seen - what's the past participle of 'see', sold - what's the past participle of 'sell', slept - what's the past participle of 'sleep', swum - what's the past participle of 'swim', thrown - what's the past participle of 'throw', woken up - what's the past participle of 'wake up', worn - what's the past participle of 'wear', written - what's the past participle of 'write', won - what's the past participle of 'win',


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